6 amazing facts that even teachers are unaware of
Teachers are amazing and informed people, but nobody knows everything! There are plenty of interesting facts that would surprise even our educators.
Today we’re bringing you six obscure pieces of trivia to impress even the most informed.
#1 The train was invented earlier than the bicycle
The train was an amazing feat of engineering, which marked the beginning of the industrial age. But many will be surprised to find out that it actually preceded the bicycle.
The first train hit the rails in 1801 while the first two-wheeled bike was only invented 16 years later by Karl von Drais.
#2 When in doubt, go right!
More than 90% of the population is right-handed and this influences more aspects of our life than we know.
Stephen Bitgood discovered that when we find ourselves in an unknown area without directions, we tend to go in the direction of our dominant hand.
Marketers are well aware of this tendency and will stock shops keeping this principle in mind.
#3 Rats are ticklish
Although it’s hard to believe, most mammals are not ticklish at all. However, rats seem to have that in common with humans. When they’re in a good mood, rats have been observed to giggle when tickled!
#4 'Alice in Wonderland' is also a disease
The popular Lewis Carrol book inspired the name of a rare neurological condition. People who suffer from this disease will see large objects as small and vice-versa.
The syndrome was discovered in 1955 and is also referred to as Lilliput sight.
#5 Mushrooms are closer to animals than plants
The world of fungi is full of mysteries. Not only is it a completely separate kingdom, but it’s also unexpectedly closer to fauna than to flora.
Scientists studying the fungi genetic structure concluded that their cell structure more closely resembles animals than plants!
#6 How long would it take to fall through the Earth? 38 minutes!
If you’ve ever wondered about the ultimate shortcut to China, you’re not alone.
Physicists in Montreal have done some impressive calculations and concluded that it would take an individual a little over 38 minutes to reach the other side of our planet if they could fall through the Earth.
This is purely theoretical as Earth’s core and gravity would get in the way of anyone making this journey, but it is fun to think about!
Which of these facts surprised you the most?
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