Rare historical pictures of famous people you haven't seen before

Strangers or friends? These amazing and rare historical pictures will show you famous people from the different side. Enjoy!

These pictures say much more than words could ever express. You can't miss them!

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#History #celebs #photography


Что вы думаете по этому поводу?
Marilyn Monroe was 27 years old on 1953. Who is that baby?
06.02.2022 04:51
Chrystal Wanchulak
Marilyn Monroe was not a baby in 1952
06.01.2021 02:35
Only listed 6 of the 9 kings in the caption
29.08.2021 11:58
Cathie Roth Lonnquist
I loved this presentation. My favorite was Sean Connery and the little Jamaican girl.
27.07.2017 08:54
I only got 8 pictures to view. There must have been other pictures also or some were changed? Also seems to be mistakes and errors with dates and omissions, and missing info etc. with these pictures that are shown!
25.04.2022 03:50
Marilyn Monroe was not a baby in 1953!! She born in 1926!!
30.05.2022 08:25
Sue Crouch
Wow Ford and the others! Wow
28.07.2017 04:20
James Gillum
Ck on Monroe's birthdate
13.04.2022 08:19
David Ching
King Alfonso XIII of Spain, King George V of the United Kingdom and King Frederick VIII of Denmark were the other 3 kings with the photo taken 20 May 1910 at the funeral of Edward VII.
05.11.2022 05:33
Charlie Chaplin actually isn’t too bad looking without the mustache Much better without
01.10.2020 01:16
Lynne Zeman
Pictures blanked out before I could see them.
27.08.2024 08:44
Betty Wiendels
Rosie Thomson, Actually, she died in early August 1962. She would have turned 98 yesterday (June 1, 2024).
02.06.2024 05:45
Betty Wiendels
Martha Sacks, Wow! You are so lucky!!
02.06.2024 05:37
Betty Wiendels
Richard Jamieson, Actually, she was born June 1, 1926 and died in early August 1962.
02.06.2024 05:31
Betty Wiendels
rodb, You know she was born June 1, 1926. Yesterday, she would have turned 98 if still alive.
02.06.2024 05:26
Betty Wiendels
Alan Morley, She was born June 1, 1926 and died in early August 1962. She would have turned 98 yesterday if still alive.
02.06.2024 05:23
Betty Wiendels
Terry Rice, June 1, 1926
02.06.2024 05:18
Betty Wiendels
Julie Allen, you know Marilyn actually was born on June 1, 1926.
02.06.2024 05:18
Betty Wiendels
Chrystal Wanchulak, She was born on June 1, 1926, which means her photo was taken in 1926.
02.06.2024 05:16
Betty Wiendels
konrad, Her photo was taken in 1926 as she was born on June 1, 1926.
02.06.2024 05:15
I'm missing a few pictures...oh, well...
06.03.2024 12:52
Terry Rice
Marilyn Monroe was born in 1926……
22.10.2023 04:41
Ellen Sheehan
Required to be king: mustaches.
19.05.2023 06:20
So many were a part of our movies we developed in Los Angeles and cities right around us too.
24.11.2022 10:03
David Ching
Igor Osadchin, King Haakon VII of Norway, Tsar Ferdinand of the Bulgarians, King Manuel II of Portugal and the Algarves, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany and King of Prussia, King George I of the Hellenes and King Albert I of the Belgians. Seated, from left to right: King Alfonso XIII of Spain, King George V of the United Kingdom and King Frederick VIII of Denmark photo in 20 May 1910. Russian Nikolay II was not there.
05.11.2022 05:38


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